Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dining in at home

This is definitely the fall. The leaves are all turning and the wind is blowing. Usually when this happens everyone wants to start getting cozy and comfy in their homes. What automatically seems to
go along with this, is cooking those comfy ,cozy foods we all associate with home and a warm blanket
on the couch.

I love the fall, but most of all I love fall cooking. I am one of those people who love the preparation and the final outcome of my cooking, the table setting and the atmosphere. I love the experience more than I actually like the eating.  I know that sounds silly, the creating is the enjoyment for me and seeing the end result and how it makes everyone feel that sits down at my table makes me happier than eating my own food! 

I have been obsessed for years with collecting recipes, going through cookbooks, making menus,
reading cooking magazines and now watching all the food  and cooking channels that are available. I am always looking for a recipe that I can emulate or change or create.  Collecting dishes and table lines is another obsession for the avid at home entertainment cook. You may never seem to have enough.

Dining at home can be a great experience, if you don't stress about it. You may begin to enjoy it so
much that you actually prefer to stay in rather than go out!

I am going to try to help you with the whole eating at home thing.  I have great recipes
that will surely keep you and your family, friends and significant other in for the evening.

I am hoping to share the entire experience with everyone and transfer some of my love
of cooking and dining to everyone interested. Eating at home and creating the ambiance and
setting for the great home experience is truly an easy art to learn.

Here's to dining in and loving it.

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