Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wow where did the holidays go?

As soon as the fall hits it seems like before we know it, it is January and we are standing in the midst of our slightly droopy  holiday decorations saying what happened to the end of the year?

Well I believe everyone has some kind of feeling like this the first two weeks of the new year.  Any way I certainly did, with children flying in and out of the state to come home, family and friends calling, I barely had time to look at the computer.

So what I am going to do is provide a recap of the meals and dishes I prepared through out all of the decorating, shopping, cleaning, airport trips and gift wrapping. And hopefully by next year I will have this
blogging thing down so well that I can blog while I am shopping or cleaning!!!


Thanksgiving is my favorite holilday, and I love to cook for this holiday.  This year I ate at my dear friend.s
house. She was newly married a year ago and wanted to host thanksgiving with her husband. The dishes I prepared were, a brussel sprout au gratin, a cranberry cream dish, and an apple-pear praline pie.

The day was, should I say fabulous,  despite the turkey that had not been done on time, because of two major disaters that would be a newly married couple's worst nightmare!!! Actually it would be anyone's nightmare for Thanksgiving!  What were these disaterous events! ? The unspeakable, a fire in the oven!!! Not once but twice!
First a beautiful breakfast with your newly blended family, to start the day off perfect. Wrong!!!!  Somehow the breakfast casserole caught fire and boom the oven was on fire with everyone in a frenzy, smoke alarms going off and kids and babies running everywhere. Who knew you couldn't put bacon under the broiler for very long!!! Wow no turkey in the oven yet, only two hours behind!!
Okay, everyone recovered and no one was rethinking the day yet. That came later in the day after the second fire in the oven and the dishwasher flooding the kitchen floor!!!! Yes I said the dishwasher flooding! But like the true foodie and calm, levelheaded woman my friend is, she was walking in cirles and totally  frieked out like a new bride should be, after all we can handle anything(superwomen and all). Who said that anyway?
 That is when I arrived not knowing what I was walking into, expecting to see all the sides made, the turkey cooling on top of the oven, not still raw and in the oven. I thought it would be Thanksgiving bliss!!
What dream was I in? I have never seen my friend so happy to see me in all the years I have known her!  She promptly and with complete command, slammed the magazine recipe into my hand and said "here finish this! I can't think now."
I with complete surprise at here out of control demeanor, quickly sat her down on the kitchen chair where
she looked like a bewildered bird, who couldn't find it's nest and told her to stay there. She did not know what hit her!!  The kitchen was an example of a cooking class gone wrong and the instructor walking out on the student. Her husband was frantically and continually adding ingredients to the gargantuan pot of mashed potatoes on the stove and asking everyone if they would taste them and decide if they needed more cheese. No! Please no more cheese, enough all ready, as the potatoes were dripping over the side the pot that must have been 30 inches tall and big enough to feed the entire team of Red Wings Hockey players a dinner of just mashed potatoes! Who are we anyway--the world's biggest mashed potato eaters in the state of Michigan!!! During all this I kept thinking-the turkey, the turkey. My friend and her husband are great foodies and love exotic dishes and spices. They were experimenting on new dishes and didn't realize this is the biggest no no in Thanksgiving history, especially with 20 guests arriving all at once. It was like Dr. Suess
the Land of Whoville. Yes who is going to make all these unkown dishes and who knows what they will
taste like. Cindy lou where are you. Welcome to crazy holiday 101.
Dinner was only four hours away, no problem, the troops have arrived.  Moms from both sides came in just on time to restore the fantasy. I was dilligently trying to follow the recipe that was shoved into my hands upon arrival, and trying to scour the kitchen for the ingredients. Her mother was immediately made kitchen captain and head executive chef, and got everything going on track like she was elected to office and saving the troops, making the gravy with one hand and filtering through all the cooking paraphenalia to see the bottom of the kitchen counters. We all worked on getting everything prepared including my friend who was quickly restored to her usual self, after the cooking artillary arrived.  Heaven knows ,who could be normal through all of that on the first Thanksgiving you were hosting as a new couple for all those people!

Well at about 8pm we all sat down to a beautiful candlelit, well cooked turkey and an over abundance of
Thanksgiving sides and listened to my friend and her husband recount the events of the day that we all indeed can somewhat be familiar with even if ours were not as traumatic.  They were now officially iniated into the Thanksgiving Hall of fame, after experiencing all of this and hoping they can take a Thanksgiving hiatis, for maybe the next five years.
 We all decided we had so much to be thankful for, especially my friend, she was
just glad that dinner was over and they didn't burn the house down or wash away the cats in the flood!

I hope your Thanksgiving was less eventful, peaceful and happy!

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