Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Petite Prince 1st birthday

What I want to know is, how can going to a 1 year old baby's birthday party be compared to going to a fabulous and amazing dinner fit for a king?  Well most cannot. Usually you can attend a party of this
genre and expect hot dogs, pizza, potato chips and sticky fingers of every participant under 4ft tall. Well this may be a slight exaggeration, but this weekend I had the extreme pleasure of attending a one year old birthday that resembled that of the birthday of the Prince of England, food wise that is,when he was that age.

There were no pizzas, hot dogs or sticky fingers. The array of scrumptious and tantalizing food laid
before every guest, including the birthday boy himself, who at such a young age has a very diverse palette,was fit for shall we say "a king" much older than only one year.

I of course was a guest to this great invite and need I say had to arrive a little late, after appetizers, yes appetizers were served, (because I as a responsible adult was working and earning a decent living so they say lol), any way, fear not because I was greeted by my friend, the mother of this child and her mother the royal and gracious grandmother, and was scurried in to be seated promptly at the dining room table.
Then, before me was placed an enormous plate of appetizers, yes once again fit for a king but presented
to a mere commoner. I enjoyed the sight and knew my taste buds would enjoy what I saw even more.
The plate was filled with appetizers from many other places around the world that they could call home.
One little section of my plate was a myriad of beautiful Mexican perfection called a Mexicali dip and some deep, dark blue corn chips used to capture this melting pot of flavors, to imprison  in your palette. The dip was layered in creamy pinto beans, rich green guacamole, bright red tomatoes, sweet white onions and snow white sour cream. When combined they formed the most addicting and pleasing taste that keeps calling to you like the wind among the trees at the advance of  a perfect thunderstorm.  Pure intense pleasure. Wow that was just one appetizer!

 Among the favorites were bruschetta with goat cheese, lemon zest and arugula. The tang of the lemon, the somewhat tart cheese and the crunch of the arugula created little beds of perfection! Then the most beautiful
of these, the Vietnamese Spring Rolls. Yes at such a royal occasion, this artwork was on display for all
and so gorgeous, it was almost too much perfection to eat, but I did my best! These were truly transparent, pillowy clouds filled with fresh carrots, fresh onion, fresh nappa, fresh cucumber and fresh roasted  slivers of chicken, all tucked in to be enjoyed in a rich brown hoisin sauce with every bite! Next on the appetizer menu were little puff pastries with smoked salmon, sour cream and lovely little green, delightfully salty capers! Just the right crunch of the pastry with the bite of smokiness from the salmon. One
yummy bite after another. I just didn't know which I loved more the fact that all these appetizers were heavenly or the fact that they just kept being placed in front of me.
Did I mention these were the only the appetizers and this was a birthday party for a 1 year old baby? Yes I
think I did, I had to pinch myself then and now just remembering where I was at that time. Well the list
of appetizers goes on and I was so enjoying myself, when someone mentioned dinner was almost ready.
Dinner, oh my I almost forgot that these were the appetizers as I loosened my jeans slightly, remembering the food filled weekend and oh how I will never lose five pounds eating like this.
Well the eating fest continues and my weekend of amazing food continues.
I should have also mentioned that I was not the only guest at this royal baby's party, there were in fact
about forty in attendance, and all the while the baby was being passed from arm to arm and containing
himself as if he was trained to be the prince some day. Oh by the way, this baby's family nickname is Petite Prince, so hence the royal references.
The weather was totally cooperating, which in Michigan is very unusual, because for some reason,
Mrs.Michigan Mother Nature, seems to want to rain on everyone's parade, party, wedding, graduation,
baseball game, picnic, you get the picture, well she was giving it a rest tonite. Maybe she went to
bed early, thank you ma'am, cuz daddy of this prince was grilling up a storm!  Yes more food on the
way via the barbecue. Chicken and onions, yes, another world dish to please the royal prince, this one from none other than Greece, Chicken Soulvaki--beautiful!
People were mingling and children, not too many children for some reason, and people of all shapes and sizes were there to honor this beautiful baby and that he is. I have told my friend numerous times that
I don't think I have seen a more beautiful baby, not even my  own, sorry kids, yes you were cute, yes
cute and pretty, but this baby is gorgeous. He is right out of the pages of Gerber baby food labels
only better.In fact he is so gorgeous, his picture was on the cake! It was a beautiful cake that is for sure, an Italian casada cake with canoli filling inside. Yumo as Rachael Ray would say. Waiting for cake was ages from now and I could only imagine how creamy and delightful it would be, and how full my stomach already was.
Okay the chicken soulvaki was ready! The buffet was set up on the long dark dining table set in a room
painted a subtle magenta, if magenta can be subtle. First the warm grilled pita, then the juicy, grilled and

seasoned shredded chicken, pile this all onto the homemade Greek pita bread and top with, grilled onions, fresh cilantro, and tatziki sauce! Kings dinner!
My foodie friend, was so concerned about having all her guests get the full experience out of this process, that she stood there directing each and every guest on which item should be placed where determined that all the flavors where combined in the right sequence and they would benefit from all the ingredients. It served the guests well to have a buffet "police" because following directions was essential. A fresh Greek salad and Vietnamese noodles also followed all homemade of course. It sounds like a crazy mix, but definitely extraordinary in some wonderful conglomerate way. This night was not only food for a king but it was also the greatest gift to be given to this handsome little one year old boy. A welcome to life in the most celebratory way, food and family!!! Hail to the King and hoorah for the food!

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